Last Frontiers of the Mind - Challenges of the Digital Age
Published by Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi in 2005
It was as Secretary Welfare and as Advisor to the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir( holding the portfolio of health) that he became interested in the rehabilitation of people afflicted by maladies of the brain and nervous system, and the treatment thereof. He saw the nature of brain injuries, its effects and its treatments. On his return to Delhi in 1997, Mr Moses began extensive research on the nature of the brain-mind relationship and artificial intelligence. It has received high praise from scientists and philosophers in book reviews.
Dialogue of Civilizations - William Jones and the Orientalists
Published by Aryan Books International, New Delhi, 2009
This book provides a historical background of India at the commencement of British rule under the East India Company and the post 1857 scenario. The author traces the work of the brilliant and dedicated Indologists / Orientalists of Britain, Germany, Russia and Italy
who studied ancient Indian texts of both religious and secular literature. These scholars promoted awareness of Indians and other nations on the heritage of India that had not received the attention they deserved.
A Stranger in Paradise - The Story of an Extraordinary Civil Servant
Published by Har Anand Publications. 2008
Memoirs of Mohandas Moses tenure as Advisor Jammu-Kashmir-Ladakh) He provides brief historical and cultural background of the three regions, their problems and predicaments, especially in the years of militancy and the contribution made by Mohandas Moses as Advisor to the Governor of J & K. These memoirs have been incorporated in his biography written by Achala Moulik
Mohandas Moses's articles on Kashmir, Ladakh, Food Security, Agriculture, Economic Development, Fiscal Policy, Dams and Irrigation Projects, Restoration of Buddhist Monasteries, Heritage, Literature, appeared in newspapers and journals.